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Yuga Labs Partners with Somnia to Increase Metaverse Interoperability and Incentives

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Yuga Labs Partners with Somnia to Increase Metaverse Interoperability and Incentives



New York, NY, May 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Somnia, a high-performance L1 blockchain and suite of omni-chain protocols designed to scale the metaverse, partners with Yuga Labs, the creators of iconic Web3 projects such as Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and the Other Side.

from Somnia blockchain is optimized for gaming and the metaverse, with the potential to handle hundreds of millions of transactions per second, and its omni-chain protocols are designed to connect the metaverse, NFTs, and gaming ecosystems.

Yuga Laboratories is a media company best known as the creator of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs and owner of the CryptoPunks. Yuga Labs was founded in 2021 when Bored Ape Yacht Club was launched. Across all of its collections, Yuga Labs generated around $19 billion in volume, accounting for a large portion of the NFT market.

With this partnership, Somnia Protocol will unlock a new world of possibilities in Yuga Labs’ Otherside, bringing interoperability and new uses to your collections. Yuga collection holders will be able to participate in metaversal events with their avatars, show off their NFT collections, and earn bonus points on Somnia missions.

Holders of select Yuga Labs NFTs will also receive a bonus on points earned in upcoming Somnia Metaverse Browser missions, with other features and benefits to be announced.

The Metaverse Browser is designed to be a consumer front-end for the metaverse. It will serve as a decentralized Steam or Epic Game Store. It allows users to interact with metaverses and applications in the Somnia ecosystem without needing to know anything about web3. It is designed to be open to allow anyone to deploy applications and content with it.

“Our collaboration with Yuga Labs aims to improve the NFT ecosystem by offering its holders not just utility, but a gateway to immersive and interactive experiences that push the limits of what NFTs can do,” said the founder of Somnia , Paul Thomas.

Yuga holders will be able to use their avatar in any world or experience built in Somnia. Your digital identities and assets will also be compatible across a wide range of experiences. They’ll be able to attend great events like the Twice listening party and MLB Virtual Ballpark, hosted by MSsquare.

About Somnia:

Somnia is creating a virtual society with an L1 blockchain and a suite of omnichain protocols designed to bring millions of users into an open, unified metaverse, allowing users to move seamlessly between experiences. Somnia opens up endless possibilities for builders to create portable and remixable content by upgrading existing NFTs.

The story continues

For more information please visit Somnia.Network

CONTACT: Michelle Kang Marketing Manager Virtual Society Foundation


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