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Web3 Platform Galaxis Raises $10M, Doubling Down on Belief NFTs Will Provide Real Value Everywhere

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Web3 Platform Galaxis Raises $10M, Doubling Down on Belief NFTs Will Provide Real Value Everywhere

As it prepares for its token launch, Galaxis, a Singapore-based Web3 platform, has raised $10 million from backers including Chainlink, Ethereum Name Services (ENS), Rarestone Capital, Taisu Ventures, and ENS co-founder Nick Johnson , announced Tuesday.

Earnings made through the company’s node sale of more than 11,000 ‘Galaxis Engines’ also contributed to the total funding.

The platform, which helps creators and brands showcase collections of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has worked with celebrities such as DJ Steve Aoki, actor Val Kilmer and NBA personality LaMelo Ball. It has sold more than 225,000 NFTs over the past two years, generating more than 32,000 ETH ($100 million) in secondary NFT sales, and is now preparing for “mass distribution,” the company said.

“The next step is to see the use of our native GALAXIS token supercharge the ecosystem,” said CEO and co-founder Andras Kristof, who also installed the first Bitcoin ATMs in Singapore. He also said that as a post-hype NFT utility platform, “we believe the use of this new technology will go beyond the hype” and will have real value for all industries beyond Web3.

Incubated by CoinMarketCap, Galaxis allows individuals or brands with a community to create engagement and reward mechanisms for their communities through NFTs, eliminating the need for any third-party engagement tools with a built-in economy.


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