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Trump’s Latest Campaign Strategy: Open to Crypto Donations

TokenTalk Staff



Trump’s Bold Campaign Shift: From NFTs to Crypto Donations

Former US President Donald Trump has announced that his presidential campaign will now accept cryptocurrency donations. Trump made the announcement during a special event for holders of his “Mugshot Edition” non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Trump’s decision highlights his continued involvement in cutting-edge technology and digital assets. In a broader context, this also marks a significant shift in political fundraising strategies and aligns with growing digital trends.

From NFTs to cryptocurrencies: Trump’s digital campaign trail

The revelation came through a short video released by Frank DeGods, co-founder of the DeGods and y00ts projects. In the video, Trump confidently answers a question about crypto donations.

“If you can’t, I’ll make sure you can. We can donate to the Trump campaign using encryption? I believe the answer is yes,” Trump answered.

See more information: How to donate crypto using the donation block

Although this bold statement has spread across various social media platforms, especially X (formerly Twitter), it still awaits further details from the Trump campaign team.

Continuing his dialogue on the subject, Trump addressed concerns about the US regulatory environment. Some believe this environment is driving cryptoentrepreneurs abroad.

When Malcolm, chief of staff at De Labs (DeGods and y00ts’ parent company), asked how he plans to handle the exodus of American crypto players, Trump labeled the current regulatory measures as “hostility.” He also promised a more welcoming approach.

“Let’s stop because I don’t want this. If we’re going to embrace it, we have to let them [crypto industry players] be here,” Trump asserted.

Post-announcement, meme coins linked to political figures experienced an increase in their market value. These include Doland Tremp (TREMP) and Jeo Boden (BODEN). TREMP increased notably from 0.0017 Solana (SUN) to 0.0047 SOL (roughly $0.24 to $0.67) before settling at 0.0041 SOL (~$0.59).

See more information: 11 Best Solana Meme Coins to Watch in 2024

TREMP/SOL price performance. Source: DEX Tracker

Trump’s decision to host this dinner has attracted widespread attention, especially after a legal deposition on Tuesday. Trump himself counted reporters, he wanted to campaign rather than be tied up in a courtroom. However, it appears that the announcement of the dinner was not publicized and was distributed to some guests.

In a broader context, Trump’s positive stance on cryptocurrency suggests that his potential presidency could promote a more favorable regulatory climate for cryptocurrencies in the US. Market analysts speculate This could invite more global investment in digital currencies, possibly increasing their value and prominence.


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PayPal ends NFT purchase protections

TokenTalk Staff



PayPal ends NFT purchase protections

PayPal has announced a policy update that will remove non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from its Purchase Protection and Seller Protection Programs starting May 20, 2024.

The change, which was first noticed on the company’s website, website on March 21, will affect all NFT transactions, leaving participants without safeguards against fraud and chargebacks.

PayPal has previously explored direct sales and hosting of NFTs on its platform, even filing an NFT-related patent in 2022.

PayPal’s updated protection policies are the latest development in the company’s involvement in the digital asset market.

Despite the crisis, PayPal has not completely withdrawn from the cryptocurrency sector; in 2023, it launched PYUSD, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar.

The payment company’s stablecoin peaked in late February with over $300 million in market cap, but has since fallen back to $200 million.


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South Korean Regulator Excludes Certain NFTs from Crypto Regulations – Regulation Bitcoin News

TokenTalk Staff



South Korean Regulator Excludes Certain NFTs from Crypto Regulations – Regulation Bitcoin News 0a W9ucy_SAQA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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Non-Fungible Items; Picking Up Where NFTs Left Off — COZ Co-Founder Tyler Adams – Op-Ed Bitcoin News

TokenTalk Staff



Non-Fungible Items;  Picking up where NFTs left off - Tyler Adams, Co-Founder of COZ - Op-Ed Bitcoin News LXR5b GVyLWFkYW1zL9IBAA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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NFTs Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

TokenTalk Staff


on Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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