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Trump Invites ‘Mugshot’ NFT Buyers to Mar-a-Lago with Promises of Trading Cards and Processed Suit Pieces

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Trump Invites 'Mugshot' NFT Buyers to Mar-a-Lago with Promises of Trading Cards and Processed Suit Pieces

On your day off from court in new YorkFormer president donald trump will hold a dinner on Wednesday at Mar-a-Lago to supporters who spent thousands of dollars on Trump “Mugshot Edition” NFTs.

Supporters who purchased at least 47 Trump NFTs valued at $99 each received an invitation to dinner at Mar-a-Lago, according to a report from Axios. Those who spend the most will also receive a physical business card, as well as a piece of the suit Trump wore the day he was arrested last August in Fulton County, Georgia.

The Trump “Mugshot” NFT pays homage to Trump’s photo from when he was arrested on charges of conspiring to overturn that state’s 2020 election results. He has not yet gone to trial on these charges. Some of the pieces of the lawsuit will actually be signed, Trump said in a statement. video.

Those who purchased 100 NFTs – costing nearly $10,000 – were invited to a “VIP” cocktail before dinner. They will also receive cards that include pieces of Trump’s suit, as well as the tie he was wearing when he was arrested.

Trump complained that his trial in New York made campaigning in swing states difficult. Last Wednesday, he spent his day off trial campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Instead, Trump has relied heavily on using his name and image to make money. Trump reportedly earned between $100,000 and $1 million in 2022 from NFTS, according to financial disclosures.


In addition to the “Mugshot Edition” NFTs, other Trump NFTs include an illustration of Trump in a cowboy hat and an image of a muscular Trump with lightning bolts in his hands and “America’s Superhero” written below him.

Trump’s “merchandise” also includes $59.99 Bibles, $399 “Never Surrender” sneakers and $99 “Victory47” cologne.


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Non-Fungible Items; Picking Up Where NFTs Left Off — COZ Co-Founder Tyler Adams – Op-Ed Bitcoin News

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Non-Fungible Items;  Picking up where NFTs left off - Tyler Adams, Co-Founder of COZ - Op-Ed Bitcoin News LXR5b GVyLWFkYW1zL9IBAA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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NFTs Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

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on Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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AI-Powered Discovery Network for NFTs Launches $PULSR Token – Press Release Bitcoin News

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AI-Powered Discovery Network for NFTs Launches $PULSR Token – Press Release Bitcoin News en -US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

Floptober NFT from above

Image: AI-generated via Midjourney

Solana Monkey Business topped CryptoSlam’s non-fungible token (NFT) sales charts on July 22 with $875,914 in total sales.

The collection had 122 unique buyers, equaling the number of sellers, and an average price of $5,308 per NFT.

This increase in daily sales boosted the SMB’s all-time sales volume to a new record of $212.48 million.

The Solana-based ape-themed collection entered the list of the top 30 NFT sellers of all time over the weekend, knocking SATS BRC-20 NFTs off the rankings.

The second best performing collection of the day was gETH Locked Deposit.

This NFT, which represents gETH locked on the Ethereum layer-2 network Arbitrum, saw a daily sales volume of $583,047 from just one transfer.

The asset was brother-in-law just moments before the transfer is made.

In third place, DMarket’s NFTs and in-game virtual items on the Mythos Network saw a total of $565,002 in sales.

The collection attracted 3,254 unique buyers and 2,848 sellers, with an average price of $24.66 per item. Active DMarket owners stood at 5,111, contributing to a total owner count of 397,931.

Outside of the top three, Ethereum’s DogeZuki Collection came in fourth place with $436,787. Bored Ape Yacht Club, another Ethereum collection, had total sales of $341,576 for fifth place.

While a Solana collection led the day’s results, the network’s total NFT sales for the day were slightly outpaced by Ethereum.

Ethereum led all blockchains in sales on Monday with $4.2 million, with Solana close behind at $4.1 million.


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