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Rarible (Eventbrite) email scam | Trend Micro News

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Rarible (Eventbrite) email scam |  Trend Micro News

Recently, many netizens shared that they received emails that their item was successfully sold on Rarible and they wonder if these emails are legitimate. Short answer: NO! Keep reading to learn how the scam works and check out the top NFT security tips to avoid scams:

Rarible/Eventbrite email scam

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have conquered the digital world in recent years. For artists selling their NFTs on trading sites like Rarible, it’s always good news to know that their item has sold successfully and that they can withdraw the balance. However, these email notifications could be fake!

Many people shared who received the same email with the same balance (1.3ETH) from the same sender on the same day:

Source: Reddit

Fake and rare email content:


We are pleased to inform you that your item has been successfully sold on Rarible! Your trust in our platform and the quality of your item really paid off.

As of now, you have an available balance of 1.3 ETH ready for withdrawal. You have complete control over when and how to withdraw this balance, providing flexibility and convenience.

What will happen if I fall for Rarible email scams?

The fake Rarible email pretends to be an official notification from Rarible stating that someone has purchased one of its NFTs listed on the platform. If you take the bait and follow the email instructions to “withdraw balance”, you will need to link your crypto wallet and send credentials as your seed phrase.

Careful! If you do this, scammers can take control of your crypto wallet and transfer every “bit” away. What’s worse, since cryptocurrencies are decentralized, it would be almost impossible to recover them!

How to identify the Rarible email scam?

Although the email appears genuine, there are several red flags to look for:

  • The email addresses a general audience rather than a specific user.
  • The email asks for your sensitive information such as seed phrase or wallet login details. (Or the email directs you to an unofficial page or fake crypto website to scam you.)
  • The sender’s email address is NOT associated with the official domain: In this case, they all come from the spoofed email address Eventbrite’s service has been misused in several crypto scams. Attention!

Example of fraudulent email coming from Eventbrite email address Source: Reddit

Fake NFT Emails: Other Red Flags

  • Offers too good to be true: The offer seems unreasonably generous.
  • A sense of urgency and pressure: The email prompts you to take quick action, such as confirming your wallet address within 24 hours. Scammers may even threaten to suspend your account if you don’t act soon.
  • Poor grammar and writing: Fraudulent emails may have grammatical errors, spelling errors or inappropriate wording.

How to protect yourself from rare email scams

  • Go directly to the official website to check if a notification is genuine. Never click on links or attachments from unknown sources.
  • Double-check the sender’s email address.
  • Be smart with your confidential information. Never give out wallet addresses or private keys!

For more tips on how to protect yourself from NFT scams, visit This article.

Protecting your identity and personal information

The truth is that there are manyscamsand fraudulent websites on the Internet and are becoming even more difficult to detect with common sense alone. However, for an easy and reliable method of detecting and avoiding fraudulent websites, check out Trend Micro Identity protection .

Identity Protection Features

Identity protectioncan protect you from scams, fake and malware-infected websites, dangerous emails, phishing links, and more! If you encounter something dangerous online, you’ll be alerted in real time so you know how to stay away.

Offering free and paid services, ID Protection will ensure you have the best protections, with 24/7 support available through one of the world’s leading cybersecurity companies. Trend Micro is trusted by 8 of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies — and we’ll be supporting you, too.

Why not try it today? As always, we hope this article has been an interesting and/or useful read. If so, please SHARE with family and friends to help keep the online community safe and informed – and consider leaving a like or comment below.


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NFTs Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

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on Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Ni5hbXA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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AI-Powered Discovery Network for NFTs Launches $PULSR Token – Press Release Bitcoin News

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AI-Powered Discovery Network for NFTs Launches $PULSR Token – Press Release Bitcoin News en -US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

Floptober NFT from above

Image: AI-generated via Midjourney

Solana Monkey Business topped CryptoSlam’s non-fungible token (NFT) sales charts on July 22 with $875,914 in total sales.

The collection had 122 unique buyers, equaling the number of sellers, and an average price of $5,308 per NFT.

This increase in daily sales boosted the SMB’s all-time sales volume to a new record of $212.48 million.

The Solana-based ape-themed collection entered the list of the top 30 NFT sellers of all time over the weekend, knocking SATS BRC-20 NFTs off the rankings.

The second best performing collection of the day was gETH Locked Deposit.

This NFT, which represents gETH locked on the Ethereum layer-2 network Arbitrum, saw a daily sales volume of $583,047 from just one transfer.

The asset was brother-in-law just moments before the transfer is made.

In third place, DMarket’s NFTs and in-game virtual items on the Mythos Network saw a total of $565,002 in sales.

The collection attracted 3,254 unique buyers and 2,848 sellers, with an average price of $24.66 per item. Active DMarket owners stood at 5,111, contributing to a total owner count of 397,931.

Outside of the top three, Ethereum’s DogeZuki Collection came in fourth place with $436,787. Bored Ape Yacht Club, another Ethereum collection, had total sales of $341,576 for fifth place.

While a Solana collection led the day’s results, the network’s total NFT sales for the day were slightly outpaced by Ethereum.

Ethereum led all blockchains in sales on Monday with $4.2 million, with Solana close behind at $4.1 million.


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ArcadeXYZ Secures $450,000 in Ringers NFTs

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ArcadeXYZ Secures $450,000 in Ringers NFTs

NFT lending remains strong despite the overall downward trend in prices.

Arcade.XYZ, a non-fungible token (NFT)-based lending protocol, secured $450,000 worth of NFTs from Dmitri Cherniak’s Ringers collection on July 24.

The loan is structured with a principal of $16,000 per NFT, and the current highest bid on the Ringers collection on Opensea is 8 wETH, equivalent to approximately $26,000.

The big loan comes at a time when darlings of the generative art scene like Ringers and Fidenzas continue to see their floor prices drop. Bells It is Fidenzas both have surpassed the 2021 minimum price of 100 ETH and are now at just 17 ETH and 32 ETH.

Collateralized Ringers –

Despite the slowdown in sentiment and prices around NFTs, the lending market continues to process consistent volume.

Some of the largest platforms, Blend, Gondi, NFTfi, and Arcade process over $80 million in outstanding debt combined. The NFT lending market broke volume records in Q1 2024, surpassing $2 billion in total volume.

Q1’s extraordinary lending volumes can be attributed to Blend’s Blast airdrop incentive and the rise of Ordinals loan in the Arcade.
The largest NFT loan belongs to CryptoPunk 8219 by NFT collector Gmoney, which was guaranteed for $1 million in Gondi XYZ, and holds a current principal of $700,000. A far cry from the claims made in the mainstream media that “Your NFTs are actually, finally, totally worthless.”


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