NFTs Fail to Regain Appeal as Investors Turn to New Ether ETFs
Many investors are betting that <-rte-company state="{"_id":"00000190-08f7-d5f2-a594-dff71a330000","_type":"00000160-4b23-d8bd-adfd-4b3348fd0000"}">Bitcoin- rte-company> and <-rte-company state="{"_id":"00000190-08f7-d5f2-a594-dff71a330001","_type":"00000160-4b23-d8bd-adfd-4b3348fd0000"}">Ether- rte-company> will reach new highs this year, but there is one corner of the cryptocurrency market that is being ignored: <-bsp-bb-link state="{"bbHref":"bbg://news/topics/ NFT","_id":"00000190-08f7-d5f2-a594-dff71a330002","_type":"0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000"}">non-fungible tokens-bsp-bb-link>.
Tokens, better known as NFTs, which can be digital monkey artworks or other collectibles registered on blockchains, are losing even more appeal. This month, Google searches for NFTs hit an all-time high lower level since 2021, when tokens began to enter the market, according to Google Trends.
In the first five months of the year, NFT sales fell more than 6% to $8.5 billion…