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NFTBank V2 launches with engine for detecting bulk NFT purchases

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NFTBank V2 launches with engine for detecting bulk NFT purchases

Quick Take:

  • A key feature highlighted in NFTBank V2 is the ability to connect up to 3,000 wallets.
  • Users will also be able to manage their portfolios in groups, classifying them based on investment strategies or portfolio types.
  • V2 launches with two chains, Ethereum and Ronin, which the company says reflects its strategic priority of serving the Web3 gaming ecosystem.

NFT Bank, the NFT management platform that allows users to track their NFT investments launched NFTBank V2. The new platform comes with several upgrades, including the ability to connect up to 3,000 wallets, giving users a consolidated view of their assets, which the company believes could also be useful for NFT tax filing.

The new version also comes with greater accuracy in tracking and managing NFT investments, which could be a crucial feature in expediting the revival Web3 Games movement.

According to the announcement, the company has tuned NFTBank V2 to detect multiple NFT acquisition mechanisms, including minting, bulk purchases, and secondary market transactions across all major NFT Markets.

The new version also allows users to manage their portfolios in groups, classifying them based on investment strategies or portfolio types.

“The update marks a significant improvement in the platform’s functionality, providing users with a clear understanding of how their investments are performing,” NFTBank wrote in a statement. “This level of customization and control is unprecedented in the NFT portfolio management space.”

Known for its primary focus on the gaming ecosystem, NFTBank V2 launches with two chains, Ethereum and Ronin, which are among the top blockchains for gaming and NFTs.

Developed by Sky Mavis, Ronin has grown to serve approximately 18.6 million wallet addresses and has completed nearly 660 million transactions as of this writing, data from the platform shows.

NFTBank has already partnered with the leading NFT game based on Ronin Chain, Axie Infinity, and League of Kingdoms from NOD Games. The company believes that as web3 games and guilds experience a renaissance, “they will find NFTBank V2 an indispensable tool for managing their treasuries.”

Commenting on the announcement, Daniel Minsu Kim, CEO of NFTBank said in a statement: “We are excited to unveil NFTBank V2, a testament to our commitment to providing an unparalleled NFT portfolio management experience. Our platform is designed to empower NFT traders and investors, especially those in the web3 gaming space, to manage their assets more effectively and profitably.”

NFT Bank is backed by some of the leading venture firms on Web3, including Hashed, DCG, Sequoia Capital, Bitkraft, Sfermion, 1kx, and Dapper Labs.

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