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Crypto NFT Today: Week 2 January

TokenTalk Staff



Crypto NFT Today: Week 2 January

Welcome to another edition of NFT Crypto Today! The last two weeks have been full of unmissable events that will define points for the future of blockchain, cryptocurrency and NFTs.

With eleven new bitcoin ETFs approved, Bitcoin prices plummeting after an SEC social media account was hacked, and more, there’s a lot of essential news you should know. So let’s dive in and see what’s going on!

Eleven new Bitcoin Spot ETFS approved

On January 10, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has approved the first US-listed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track bitcoin, marking a significant milestone for the largest cryptocurrency and the broader crypto industry.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) gave the green light to 11 applications, including those from BlackRock, Ark Investments/21Shares, Fidelity, Invesco and VanEck. This movement, despite warnings about the associated risks, is expected to begin trading on January 11th.

Bitcoin plummets after SEC account is hacked

Bitcoin suffered a decline in the late afternoon of January 9 following a misleading social media post on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s X account falsely claiming approval for bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The post was quickly deleted, with the SEC clarifying that his X account was compromised and no such approval has yet taken place.

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Initially rising to $47,901, its highest since March 2022, bitcoin fell to $44,816.94. Ultimately, it traded more than 1% lower at $46,162.79.

Türkiye’s Crypto Regulations Near Finalization

Mehmet Simsekthe Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister, shared with a local media outlet that the final stages of the cryptocurrency regulation are in progress.

To obtain a CMB license, cryptocurrency exchanges must adhere to specific operational requirements, covering aspects such as founders and managers, organizational duties, capital prerequisites, and IT infrastructure obligations. Şimşek emphasized that the main objective is to improve security in the cryptographic sectoreliminate potential risks and promote the development of blockchain technology and the crypto asset ecosystem.

X starts removing NFT profiles

When X presented With the feature allowing paid subscribers to display non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as hexagonal profile pictures in January 2021, the cryptocurrency and NFT markets were at the height of their popularity. Top brands rushed to release NFT collections, and prices for top NFTs soared into the millions.

Two years later, the cryptocurrency scene has undergone significant changes. X has quietly removed the NFT profile picture option from its premium Blue subscription, reflecting the prevailing disenchantment with digital collectibles.


We are the editorial team of TokenTalk, where seriousness meets clarity in cryptocurrency analysis. With a robust team of finance and blockchain technology experts, we are dedicated to meticulously exploring complex crypto markets with detailed assessments and an unbiased approach. Our mission is to democratize access to knowledge of emerging financial technologies, ensuring they are understandable and accessible to all. In every article on TokenTalk, we strive to provide content that not only educates, but also empowers our readers, facilitating their integration into the financial digital age.

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