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Celebrating a Strategic NFT Turn: RedBeanDAO and the Azuki Phenomenon | NFT CULTURE | NFT News | Web3 Culture

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Celebrating a Strategic NFT Turn: RedBeanDAO and the Azuki Phenomenon |  NFT CULTURE |  NFT News |  Web3 Culture

A flashback to RedBeanDAO’s remarkable turnaround

Just over a year ago, the NFT scene witnessed one of its most strategic turnarounds by RedBeanDAO, a team of collectors and digital enthusiasts. RedBeanDAO made headlines when it acquired one of the rarest NFTs from the Azuki collection and later sold it for a whopping 420.69 ETH. This move wasn’t just a transaction – it was a statement about the potential and power of strategic investment in the NFT space.

The team behind the transaction

RedBeanDAO is comprised of notable members including @trebooomin, @slywalrus1, @RealDonaldNFTs, @sven_nft, @darran0x, @mal_nfts, @ENICOLL, @cnig69, @0xTahir, and @0x5749. Each member brought their unique experience and vision, contributing to the success of the DAO. Their collaboration underscores the importance of community and shared knowledge in effectively navigating the NFT market.

Trust in a Trustless World: The Power of DAOs and Friendship

One of the most notable aspects of RedBeanDAO’s story is the deep trust among its members in the typically “trustless” environment of blockchain technology. This trust highlights the unique power of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), where camaraderie, collective decision-making, and shared goals drive success. In the case of RedBeanDAO, the friendship and mutual respect between members not only facilitated its financial success, but also reinforced the value of community ties in promoting technological and financial innovations.

RedBeanDAO’s Strategic Vision

RedBeanDAO’s decision to invest in Azuki was driven by deep insights into NFT market trends and the Azuki Collection’s unique value proposition. Azuki NFTs were designed with a focus on high-quality artwork and unique features, setting them apart in a crowded market. The DAO’s ability to predict the value of Azuki and its subsequent appreciation reflects a sharp acumen for NFT investments.

Lessons from Flip

RedBeanDAO’s move serves as a compelling case study on the importance of timing, community vision, and strategic foresight in the NFT domain. It also highlights the evolving nature of NFT transactions, where community-led decisions can lead to significant gains. The successful move is a testament to RedBeanDAO’s understanding of market dynamics and its ability to act quickly and decisively.

The impact on the NFT scene

The RedBeanDAO transaction had a ripple effect on the NFT market, encouraging others to look at NFTs not just as art or collectibles, but as assets with significant investment potential. It also sparked discussions about the use of smart contracts, especially the ERC-721 and ERC-721a standards, and how they could be optimized to reduce costs and improve the minting experience.

Looking to the Future: RedBeanDAO’s Enduring Legacy

While the rare Azuki’s turnaround was a landmark moment, RedBeanDAO’s influence goes beyond this transaction. Your continued commitment to improving NFT technologies and your active participation in community discussions continue to shape the NFT space. As they well said, “One door closes, another opens. This is not the end, see you there” reminding us that your journey and impact are far from over.

Community and Friendship: The Ultimate Utility in a Decentralized World

RedBeanDAO’s journey emphasizes that beyond technology and financial gains, the ultimate utility in a decentralized world is indeed the community and friendships formed along the way. These relationships provide the foundation for trust and cooperation that propels projects and ideas to success in the dynamic and often unpredictable NFT landscape.

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Over a year ago, RedBeanDAO made a strategic move by acquiring and then selling one of the rarest Azuki NFTs for 420.69 ETH, showing the potential for significant investment in the NFT space. The team behind RedBeanDAO highlights the power of collective insight in the NFT market, setting a precedent for future transactions and technological improvements in smart contracts. Their ongoing contributions continue to influence the NFT landscape today, bolstered by the strong bonds of community and friendship that define their collective spirit.


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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

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Solana Monkey Business Leads NFT Sales with $875,91K

Floptober NFT from above

Image: AI-generated via Midjourney

Solana Monkey Business topped CryptoSlam’s non-fungible token (NFT) sales charts on July 22 with $875,914 in total sales.

The collection had 122 unique buyers, equaling the number of sellers, and an average price of $5,308 per NFT.

This increase in daily sales boosted the SMB’s all-time sales volume to a new record of $212.48 million.

The Solana-based ape-themed collection entered the list of the top 30 NFT sellers of all time over the weekend, knocking SATS BRC-20 NFTs off the rankings.

The second best performing collection of the day was gETH Locked Deposit.

This NFT, which represents gETH locked on the Ethereum layer-2 network Arbitrum, saw a daily sales volume of $583,047 from just one transfer.

The asset was brother-in-law just moments before the transfer is made.

In third place, DMarket’s NFTs and in-game virtual items on the Mythos Network saw a total of $565,002 in sales.

The collection attracted 3,254 unique buyers and 2,848 sellers, with an average price of $24.66 per item. Active DMarket owners stood at 5,111, contributing to a total owner count of 397,931.

Outside of the top three, Ethereum’s DogeZuki Collection came in fourth place with $436,787. Bored Ape Yacht Club, another Ethereum collection, had total sales of $341,576 for fifth place.

While a Solana collection led the day’s results, the network’s total NFT sales for the day were slightly outpaced by Ethereum.

Ethereum led all blockchains in sales on Monday with $4.2 million, with Solana close behind at $4.1 million.


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