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ADOT Launches Gangster All Star NFT Collection

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ADOT Launches Gangster All Star NFT Collection

Key Takeaways

  • The Gangster All Star NFT Collection offers a unique approach to fan engagement and ownership.
  • NFT holders not only own the rights to their gangster art, but also actively participate in the co-development of the IP.

A DOT, the complete IP NFT platform powered by ERC-6551, launched the Gangster All Star NFT collection. This bold move marks a significant step in the fusion of comic book culture and blockchain technology.

The collection is inspired by the comics and manga brand Gangster All Star. Created by the skillful hand of Thai illustrator Veerachai Duangpla, also known as The Duang, it features 50 unique gangs, their formidable crime lords, and the shadowy abodes of untouchable villains.

Partnership with VUCA Digital, a leading provider of virtual solutions in the domains of cryptocurrency, NFTs, Web3 and metaverse, Gangster All Star aims to expand its intellectual property (IP) into a globally recognized manga brand. Through the innovative capabilities of Web3 technology, this collaboration seeks to redefine storytelling and fan engagement on a global scale.

Veerachai Duangpla, an experienced artist with a rich experience in the comics industry, brings his experience to the forefront of this project. Having worked on notable ventures featured on platforms like Netflix and collaborated with esteemed brands like Apple and Zippo, Duangpla’s creative vision promises to elevate the Gangster All Star universe to new heights.

Taking inspiration from the dynamic storytelling of Japanese anime, the Gangster All Star series features 7,777 captivating characters, each embodying a unique blend of chaos and altruism. Through their exploits, they confront contemporary social issues, offering a new perspective on the world we inhabit.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Gangster All Star NFT Collection is its ownership and co-development approach. NFT holders not only own the rights to their respective gangster art, but they also actively participate in the evolution of the IP. This democratized approach ensures that fans are not mere spectators, but integral contributors to the Gangster All Star narrative.

Additionally, the collection presents an exclusive opportunity for holders of the brand’s initial series, offering them the opportunity to mint these coveted NFTs for free. Additionally, dedicated fans can earn Gangster All Star Chips through various means, including demonstrating story knowledge, creating fan art, and engaging with the community on social platforms.

Pannathorn Lorattawut, CEO of VUCA Digital, emphasized the importance of supporting creators in an era filled with uncertainty around IP governance and AI-generated content. He highlighted the immense potential of the APAC region’s digital and artistic talent to reshape brand narratives and drive deeper fan engagement.

The launch of the Gangster All Star NFT Collection signals a paradigm shift in how creators and fans interact with intellectual property. As the lines between the digital and physical worlds blur, ADOT and VUCA Digital are at the forefront of this transformative journey, showcasing the immense possibilities of an ERC-6551-powered NFT IP platform.

For those eager to embark on this exciting adventure, the Gangster All Star NFT collection awaits exploration on the ADOT Marketplace.

Read too: Renowned creators make emerging comic series a masterpiece


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